In-depth configuration rules for HTTP request/response cycle


These notes provide information on how to configure the server to properly inform user-agents of the kinds of content the server is able to provide.

Accept Language

Declaring acceptable languages

This note describes how the server handles the browser's accept-language request header, enabling search engines to match the visitor's preferred language to the website's natural written language.
language negotiation, path-pattern, accept-language, content-language, rw-language-not-acceptable, rw-language-not-configured, IETF RFC 5646

Accept Types

Declaring acceptable types of file content

This note describes how the server handles the browser's accept-types request header to allow the browser and server to agree on their understanding of what the inner contents of each file contains.
accept-types, content negotiation, media-type, MIME-type, content-type, filename extension, IETF RFC 6838, rw-no-acceptable-type


How a user-agent can discover the allowable methods

This note describes how a user-agent can discover the allowable methods, and how the server responds to methods it can not handle.
methods, allow, OPTIONS, RBAC, IETF RFC 7231

Cache Control

Understanding request and response headers related to caching

This note describes how browsers communicate with the server to make optimal use of documents and resources that have previously been received.
caching, conditional request, etag, last-modified, if-modified-since, if-match, if-none-match, rw-no-cache-control, rw-if-match, rw-if-none-match, IETF RFC 7234


Declaring which character set to use with documents, style sheets, and text files

This note describes how character set declarations can be added to response headers for documents, style sheets, and text files.
UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, Windows-1252, Shift_JIS, BIG5, EUC-KR, IETF RFC 2978, IETF RFC 6838

Content Encoding

Saving bandwidth and increasing throughput using compression

This note describes how to configure the server to compress files while in transit between the server and browser.
file compression, accept-encoding, content-encoding, gzip, deflate, Ethernet MTU

Content Length

Specifying the size of the payload

This note documents how the content-length header is determined and used in the exchange between browser and server.
content-length, payload byte count

Content Negotiation

Balancing what's acceptable with what's possible

This note describes how browsers and servers proclaim their ability to handle different file formats, allowing the browser to request and receive only files that it is able to understand.
RWSERVE, content negotiation, accept-type, content-type, MIME-types, rw-no-acceptable-type, IETF RFC 6838

Content Types

Mapping filename extensions to MIME types

This note describes how to map filename extensions to MIME-types to declare which filename extensions are used by the server and what their inner contents contain.
content-type, media-type, MIME-type, filename extension, IETF RFC 6838


Better caching with fewer false positives

This note documents how Etags are created and processed by the server. Use of Etag headers is encouraged for reliable caching with fewer false positives.
etag, reliable caching, resource version, if-match, if-none-match, SHA1 hash, rw-if-match, rw-if-none-match

MIME Types

Using MIME types to control the behavior associated with filename extensions

This note provides information about MIME-type configuration: associating filename extensions; declaring character sets; declaring encoding algorithms; and declaring content negotiation.
media-type, MIME-type, content-type, filename extension, accept-types, charset, content-encoding, IETF RFC 2978, IETF RFC 6838


How to download partial content

This note documents the range request header and the server's implementation of the range protocol to get selected parts of a file.
range, if-range, accept-range, content-range, startByte, endByte, byteCount, multipart/byteranges, IETF RFC 7233
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In-depth configuration rules for HTTP request/response cycle

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