Specifying the size of the payload

Content Length


This note documents how the content-length header is determined and used in the exchange between browser and server.

The content-length header is simply the message payload's byte count. Any request that has a body should include this in the request headers, and every successful response — whether it has a payload or not — should include this in the response headers.

The content length is used as a basic sanity check to prevent bad actors from crafting illegitimate messages.

With a GET response the content-length is determined using these steps:

  1. A successful uncompressed response has a length equal to the size of the file.
  2. A successful compressed response has a length equal to the compressed size of the file.
  3. A successful response with no content — those with response code 201 or 204 — has a length of zero.
  4. A successful response for a range — with response code 206 — has a length equal to the number of bytes sent.
  5. An unsuccessful request does not have a content-length header.

With a HEAD response the content-length is determined using these steps:

  1. A response that would be successful has a length equal to the size of the file, irrespective of any content-encoding header.
  2. An unsuccessful response does not have a content-length header.

With a PUT, PATCH, POST or DELETE requests the content-length must be included in the request headers, and should be determined by the user-agent using these steps:

  1. A request without content-encoding should have a length equal to the size of the uncompressed request body.
  2. A request with content-encoding should have a length equal to the size of the compressed request body.
  3. A request to PUT an empty file should have a length of zero.

All requests with OPTIONS or TRACE methods do not expect a content length header in the request, and will not include it in the response.


The server does not have any configurable options for content length.


Key points to remember:

  • The content-length header is present on every successful response from 200 to 207.
  • The content-length header is omitted from any unsuccessful response, from 301 to 501.
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Specifying the size of the payload

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