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Considerations when evaluating RWSERVE

These documents will help you learn about the Read Write Tools HTTP/2 server: possible use cases, notable features, limitations and extensibility.
overview, use cases, features, limitations, extensibility


Getting everything in the right place

These documents describe: how and where the different parts of the server software are installed, the declarative syntax used in configuring the server, and the required configuration settings for a minimal web server.
downloading, prerequisites, installing, troubleshooting, standard directories, configuration syntax, config hierarchy, file permissions, cluster, server, server name indication, hosts, merged configurations, modules, path patterns, registration


Safely making resources available with the server

These documents describe: working with the file system to properly set permissions on server software, forbidding public access to resources, blocking usage by bad actors, and using the server's role-based access control module.
file permissions, forbidden, ip access, rbac, user accounts, auth handler, stateful roles, cookies


Setting up and running a static web server

These documents describe: configuring HTTP/2 request and response headers, request method processing steps, status codes, error handling, and monitoring facilities.
accept types, allow, cache control, content-encoding, content-length, content negotiation, content types, mime-types, etag, timestamps, range, delete method, get method, put method, options method, patch method, post method, trace method, custom errors, information headers, status codes, systemd, logging, counters, user agent, restrictions


Setting up dynamic web server features

These documents describe how to enable built-in modules for: dynamic BLUEPHRASE processing with HTTP/2 speculative push prioritization, rewriting SEO-friendly URLs using resource masks, using CORS to relax browser some-origin policies, and splitting the resource request into more usable pieces.
BLUE PROCESSOR, push priority, resource masks, cross origin, raw path


Using JavaScript to extend the server's capabilities

These documents describe how to use JavaScript to write plugin modules to handle the work order during the request/response cycle, and how to selectively route incoming requests to the plugin.
RWSERVE, JavaScript plugins, work order, router
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