Setting up dynamic web server features


These documents describe how to enable built-in modules for: dynamic BLUEPHRASE processing with HTTP/2 speculative push prioritization, rewriting SEO-friendly URLs using resource masks, using CORS to relax browser some-origin policies, and splitting the resource request into more usable pieces.


Processing requests for BLUEPHRASE documents

This note describes how the server handles requests for documents with content type text/blue.
BLUEPHRASE, text/blue, push-priority,router, HTTP/2, nopush, dynamic-cache, linkmap, pragma, include, enclosure, use, processor options, push processing, pushAllowed, rw-blue-unsupported-method, rw-blue-cache-add, rw-blue-cache-stale, rw-blue-cache-dependency,rw-blue-cache-hit,rw-blue-invalid-option

Push Priority

Assign relative weights to speculative push requests

This note describes how to configure HTTP/2 speculative push protocol with weighted priorities for external resources associated with BLUEPHRASE source documents.
push-priority, HTTP/2 speculative push, linkmap, BLUE PROCESSOR, weights, push, nopush, path-pattern

Resource Masks

Rewriting masked resources using replacement patterns

This note describes a way to rewrite resource request paths. Strings containing capture groups are used as request patterns that match incoming paths to rewrite rules. Replacement strings are used to specify how to reassemble the capture group values into masked replacement paths.
rewrite resource, request patterns, replacement strings, named capture group, resource pattern, masked replacement path, variable substitution, location, 302

Cross Origin

Relaxing the same-origin policy

This note describes how to configure the server to relax the strict same-origin policy imposed by browsers regarding the use of resources from other domains, also known as the CORS protocol.
CORS, origin, cross-origin, same-origin, access-control-allow-origin, access-control-allow-credentials, access-control-allow-headers, access-control-allow-methods, access-control-expose-headers, access-control-max-age

Raw Path

Splitting the resource request into more usable pieces

This note describes the steps taken by the server to split the raw request path into a resource path, a query string, and key-value parameters.
raw path, resource path, query string, parameters, canonicalization, restrictions, _resourcePath, _queryString, _parameterMap, rw-resource-path-illegal, rw-resource-path-length

WWW Form Data

Splitting simple form data into key/value pairs

This note describes how and when the server processes request bodies that are encoded as type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Multipart Form Data

Splitting multipart binary form data into separate entries

This note describes how and when the server processes request bodies that are encoded as type multipart/form-data
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Setting up dynamic web server features

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